Thursday, October 13, 2005

Random thought

On one of the brain fluff thursday night reality shows, one of the guys commented that he is not in to the "novelty size" women's chests out yonder.

Since when have the girls been referred to as "novelty size"? Freaking bizarre. I guess novelty size is when you wonder whether or not it is the ocean you hear or a valley that trembles. Never looked at chest size like that before...


Anonymous said...

LOL, I heard the same quote. I was so disturbed by the entire string, that on Survivor they were discussing boobage while my children waited for the next immunity challenge that I almost didn't react to the "novelty size" line.

When you think how far TV has's terrifying.

Kazzy said...

YES! I am glad that I wasn't the only one thinking the same thing!!! I thought to myself, did I just hear that??? I think it's unreal how far TV has gone - it blows my mind. Especially when you can see how a flash of skin is treating (like the Janet episode) compared to acts of violence or even corruption by any person in a position of authority. You know something is wrong when a bare boob causes more shit to hit the fan than illiteracy, drug trafficking, abuse, etc..does

Anonymous said...

It's getting to the point where it's embarrassing to watch TV with my kids, and yet the stuff they watch in the privacy of their bedrooms would probably make a prostitute blush.

Then of course, there's my husband, who enjoys flipping through all 185 channels on our digital cable, and stops everytime he hears gunshots or sees tits. He's a joy.