Monday, October 24, 2005


I think I reached critical mass for new information somewhere about noon yesterday.

After Ken came to pick me up, and we got home, I faded fast. I napped, and just "was" for a few hours. I reached that point where you just don't have anything really intelligent to say, I didn't feel the need to take in any more information, and it was just time to catch up on sleep and processing time. So that is what I did.

On the opposite side of things, today has been productive. I have also created a few lists and tasks to complete so I can feel some sense of accomplishment as I get through today. I figure that we humans are goal orientated, so it feels good to strike things from that to do list. I added a few geeky links to the side that arose from some of the workshops that I was able to attend. Although I haven't heard of all the books on the Top 100 list, I have read a few and it could be a good place to plunder for reads when I am seeking something different that I can sink my teeth in to.

Did you know that if you post a poem, article, essay, photo, or piece of writing on your blog that you have just given up your "first electronic rights" in terms of publishing?

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