Thursday, December 1, 2005


My work week is over! YAY!

And I can't believe that it is December already. Where has 2005 gone? Another election has been called for this wonderful country and it is time for the bandwagons to be wheeled out. I have a thing against all the signs that the politicians post, promoting their names and affiliation. What a waste of resources. Yes, I understand that much is about name recognition, but it quickly becomes ridiculous. Give it 6 weeks and there will be tonnes of signs on street corners, obscuring your view of anything else. A veritable stand of trees, with messages, that are easy to ignore as your drive by at 50 km/h.

Learned a few new concepts today about Financial Literacy for college and university students and how it can be a core indicator for student success, retention, completion, and ability to service debts upon graduation. Interesting stuff, and although this came from more of an American p.o.v., it will have more and more relevance to Canadian models as links are forged between Financial Literacy and Success over time. It is a new field, and I think it would be one that I would like to do some research in to, given the chance.

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