Tuesday, December 27, 2005

A meme to out myself, so it is all in the details..

A is for age: 32
B is for booze of choice: spiced rum
C is for career: Financial Aid Advisor in a post secondary institution
D is for your dad's name: Bob
E is for essential items to bring to a party: Booze. 7 layer dip or mexican fondue in a sourdough bowl
F is for favorite song at the moment: Devil's dance floor (Flogging Molly)
G is for favorite game: Cranium
H is for hometown: Vancouver, BC (or thereabouts)
I is for instruments you play: clarinet (not well)
J is for jam or jelly you like: strawberry
K is for kids: give it about 7 months for this to be a reality
L is for living arrangements: soon-to-be-more than a partner, 2 cats, fish, 2 bedroom suite in the 'burbs
M is for mom's name: Winnie
N is for name of your crush: The Rock
O is for overnight hospital stays: none
P is for phobias: earwigs (just gross) and a healthy respect for heights
Q is for quotes you like: "You are going up an unsanitary tributary without sufficient means of locomotion"
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: the one I'm in. Together 4 years :] and counting
S is for sexual preference: Ken.
T is for time you wake up: 7:05 am.
U is for underwear: cotton french cuts
V is for vegetable you love: corn on the cob, yam fries, carrots
W is for the wedding date: March 25th, 2006
X is for x-rays you've had: knee
Y is for yummy food you make: lasagne, stir fries, pineapple chicken, sweet and sour meatballs
Z is for zodiac sign: Taurus


Anonymous said...

Did I miss a post, or are you two months pregnant?

I'll hold off on the celebratory comments until I get a confirm :)

Refinnej said...

I knew you were a bright girl, Candy! LOL

So proud of you for doing this the JEN way. LMAO

Kazzy said...

It didn't feel right just coming out and saying "guess what folks??" and yes, I am just over two months pregnant, and am tying the knot officially in March :} We have been together for 4 years, lived with for over 3, so the marriage part was just a natural offshot of our exciting news!!!!!! YAYAYY!! It has been so HARD keeping a SECRET!!!!!

Refinnej said...

Try being me. My Bestest Friend is pregnant and I couldn't blog about it.


Anonymous said...

Well a big ole shout out to you and then! How exciting!! And what a perfect way to out it.

Oh, this blog is going to get more and more interesting as the months progress...heh heh...