Thursday, April 27, 2006

I look that bad?! Huh?

It isn't even 10 am and it is shaping up to a bit of a bizarre day.

Although I did have a good laugh at the Dilbert Weasel List :] Talk about a unique way to measure popularity, or not.

So, with my "tired" comments of late, apparently some people really take it to heart. I think this falls under the same category as when you are going to get your hair cut, it seems like this is the day that everyone tells you that you hair looks fabulous. Where were these people yesterday??? Well, I just found out that a coworker was concerned about me because I look quite run down and tired, and they hope that I am not pushing myself too hard. This feels like the opposite of the hair dilemma - I felt pretty damn good last week when we were at the conference! I had some funky new skirts to wear, my hair went well, I wasn't rushed, I had a great view from my hotel room, I missed sleeping next to my man, but I really didn't think that I looked like a Mac Truck had hit me??!!!

Whatever. This is the same person that doubted I could pull of a fabulous wedding and be pregnant all at the same time (not to mention the program I finished or other responsibilities). I think we are our own worst enemies, especially when it comes down to self-fulfilling prophecies. I see having kids as another step in life, something that will enrich and challenge I am sure, but will be nothing but rewarding when the chips are down. I don't see it as the end of our lives as we know it, but a departure in to new adventures and seeing life through different eyes again. I don't see roadblocks, I just see curves. For me, this is all about perspective. My cup remains more than half full.

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