Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Pea Soup

For the last few days, and for the next few days, the coast has been literally cloaked in pea soup fog. Viz has been reduced to just beyond the edge of your car, a half k (1/4 mile) in every direction until everything disappears in to the mist.

Makes me glad that I don't have curly hair (read spiral perms of the 80s to give some life to my very straight hair), otherwise the dampness would turn it in to frizz. It is a cloying, cold damp that clings to you, making you shiver. It also looks bizarre, there are fog patches in my back yard! Almost time to hang the christmas lights to bring light to the dark!! The other part to it, is you leave for work in a fog, go for a walk at lunch, in a fog, and you guessed it, you leave from work in a darker fog! Today will be a longer day since I have to do a presentation later, if anyone decides to show. Part of me hopes that some do, the other part has all crossables crossed that my technology works. The few presentations I have done have been an ongoing learning curve on how to fix technology that doesn't work how it should.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HelloKazza, Ive been surfing the web for the newest info on cat urine remover and came accross your site. this post is'nt exactly what i was surfing for, but i see why i found it. Anyway, interesting read. I will continue to look for cat urine remover etc... I will be back to your site sometime...