Monday, November 28, 2005

How are you?

Sometimes this question can really trip me up.

How to answer - brutally honest, and let it all hang out. Or do you spare the person the details and just go with an easy "fine".

Sometimes when people ask you how they are doing, they are just being polite and don't really want to hear the long story and gruesome details. Sometimes, you can tell that the person really cares, and then you are in a position where do you really want to go there, or is it easier for you to retreat to said earlier position?

I find it hard some days to answer this question because it can be easy to get caught up in the mundane trivial stuff that grates on your normally optimistic outlook... So generally I go with my gut instincts, how I am feeling in that particular moment and whom is doing the asking.

This morning I think I would have liked to have stayed in bed.

1 comment:

Ozgypsy said...

Why ask if you don't want to hear the answer? If you're honest and people don't want to hear, they'll soon know not to ask next time ;) I got asked at work this morning, and I said "shiite". It made me feel better just to say it!