Sunday, March 5, 2006

Up after 6am on a Sunday?

I think by the end of my night last night I was an overtired, emotional mess. Everything felt personal and I felt like I could easily manufacture stuff to create more reasons to fall apart. Must have been hormonal, or just not enough sleep, or just everything coming together too. So I did what any sensible woman would do - carted my ass off to bed.

I only have 2 journal entries, 1 assignment, a quiz, and a few more bits and pieces for my course left to do. I want it done. On one hand, it has been rewarding and I enjoy the semantics of learning how to teach, but in some ways, it widens the gulf between where I am at and where I will be given time and effort. I guess I am such a fan of continuing education because once it is done, you have it, and who knows when the knowledge is going to do you right. But getting through these last bits has been tough. Not because the material is beyond me, but just staying on task. It is like I have to chain myself to the desk!

And holy hot tamales is the big day coming up quick!!! Still a few outstanding invites, but perhaps in hindsight we should have told people to RSVP with the "nays" as well as the "yays" rather than to sit here and wonder...keeping the wedding list to a limit is hard, you realize as time goes on more people you wish you could invite, and you realize that can continue on and on into total silliness. Met with out Marriage Commissioner yesterday, She is FABULOUS. The neatest part about this wedding is how things have fallen in to place. Just another element that fits the way it should!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

uh, so I didn't rsvp...umm sorry about that... but we will be there ;)