Thursday, March 16, 2006


Just over a week to go. Tomorrow my holidays start, and I am starting to feel antsy. I am starting to roll numbers through my head at weird hours of the day, budgets, and flowers, and booze, and food, and times when things are going to happen, and hoping that everyone will feel like they had a good time, and hoping i don't forget or overlook anything that is really important...

I will sleep in tomorrow, make myself a chocolate soy latte (if you have never had one, don't knock it. If you have an espresso machine at home, I recommend you try this. A regular latte doesn't cut it anymore. Vanilla soy lattes, well they are ok. Now the chocolate ones.. you can justify em because they are healthy!!! right??!!) and then start making lists and cleaning up whatever little chores and messes I figure should happen knowing that there will visitors, and people who are going to check out our digs, and just to continue getting rid of clutter.

First the books were culled.. now I culled some clothes. I can't believe I have held on to some clothes from when I was 15. Like, give me a break. Even if I was that size again, do I ever want to wear those clothes again??? What was I thinking??? I now have some space in my closet and it feels good to let go of more things. Just release them in to the wild, after Refinnnnnnej has had her looksee next week... LOL See she thinks she needs to shop, all she needs to do is go through my stuff before it goes off to the donation box.. HAHHAHA

So today I try to reign in my mind, it is running all over the place like a hyped up kitten flitting about. And get through the day, I can't wait for the 2 week break, although it won't be a traditional break, but it will be great, amazing, life changing, who knows what else? Some times I think I fool myself about what is left to do, like the favor bags, and then other times it is like O M G ... this is where I wish I could just kick back with a guinness and then start in on what needs to be done!

1 comment:

Gilly said...

I SO miss my espresso machine! One of life's little luxuries! Soy mochas are good, but without the whipped cream. It used to turn my stomach adding WC to soy mochas. It's chemically and organically and tastfully WRONG!