Thursday, March 9, 2006

The myth of tooth loss while pregnant

Teeth - 3 Kazza - 0

Just in case you are keeping score.

Apparently, it is a myth that when you are pregnant, you will lose a tooth.

Well, I own a page in that book, and can confirm, that it is a myth.

This pregnancy, I have lost not one or two teeth, but now three. Sheered one off with trail mix, lost one to the root canal on monday, and tonight, while watching our thursday show and spending time with my honey, I broke a tip off one of my molars. Hell, I still have that piece of tooth and it went in to the "weird stuff bag with a few odds and ends and special rocks".

Well lost is a strong word, I still have parts of all three teeth, they just aren't what they used to be.

W T F ??? ! ! ! ! !

So, I will work a half day tomorrow and hopefully see my dentist... again. At least this one doesn't hurt!!!!!!!

***DISCLAIMER*** I know that I have been harping about my teeth in the last month, for the record, I DO have a great dental regimine, floss, brush, and the whole flouride rinse thing daily. I am not sure if my teeth have ever looked this good. Obviously I see my dentist regularly so what has been going on has been really bizarre to say the least!!! It kinda blows my mind that my gums are great, and everything else seems to be fine, that is, until the next tooth gives way.

1 comment:

Refinnej said...

Yeah. The teeth thing has me completely baffled. It's true that your gums can be inflamed/bleed easily while pregnant, but you have reached well beyond that!!