Sunday, February 12, 2006

Signs of the time

Moved all the bags of books to my mom's (check)
Donated a bag of books (check)
Shifted grandparent's night table to my brother's house and out of our place (check)
Dispersed other odds and sods that have been kicking around, gathering dust (check)
Have oddly more room in second bedroom, and in bookshelve (check)

Slowly just puttering away so far today. I have been definitely going through a period where it is "ok" to let some of the clutter go. IT FEELS GREAT! It also feels strange. I have held on to some things for so long, to let it go and not worry about that clutter anymore, like wow. Feels like a new concept, although I am sure it is old hat to the converted.

Also been experiencing a sign'o'th'times in which every now and then, it is like the baby does indeed shift inside, even at this early stage, and plunks itself on your bladder. I do my biz, and then 10 minutes later, there I am there again, thinking "didn't I just do this?!?!?!" This goes on for about an hour until jr shifts and releases the pressure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think they call this "nesting"