Wednesday, February 22, 2006

A naked cat

So, I had to wander in to my friendly local vet's office and pick up some of the preventative cat food for the boys, and decided to ask a few questions about things that they had heard regarding cats and the introduction of a new family member.

Well, I realize that I am talking about a baby, and well, they start talking about the new naked cat that comes home with us.

Naked cat?

It took me a minute, but essentially the cats probably will look at our wee bairn as a hairless cat that gets coddled an awful lot, without even spending time grooming itself!! They had some great suggestions - spacing out the changes in our life so it isn't a dramatic event that happens over the course of a weekend. (well, I am sure it will still be dramatic, and hopefully quick..)

What they were getting at is stuff like moving the litter box about a month before baby is due, and changing the room around early, and even playing a tape of a baby crying, just so that noise isn't quite so foreign to them. Apparently babies can hit some really strange pitches, which can resemble some caterwawls, so early conditioning may not be a bad thing...

Was quite the image though - two four legged hairy cats meeting the two legged hairless one.

Crazy stuff.

1 comment:

Refinnej said...

Damn. I never thought of it quite that way, but it's TRUE.