Wednesday, January 11, 2006

When the iron is hot

I am trying to finish the assignments from the course I took back in December. It feels like a lifetime ago, and I am really struggling to recapture the essence of what I was trying to learn in those moments.

It would perhaps have been nice to have had the option of dropping it at the time, but I didn't have the luxury. I did have the luxury of taking a two week extension, which I did gratefully, but I am quickly reminding myself why in all the other courses that I have taken in this program, I always stayed on top of the assignments and got them in as soon as possible.

When you take a course on two back to back weekends (fri-sun), it is intense, and everything is packed in to a short period of time. Now, almost a month later with the landscape of my life altered, it is a real struggle to get back in to that headspace. I only have the last 1/3rd to do, but I feel like I am balking every step of the way. I guess it doesn't help that I am not feeling up to snuff today, or that I am in the middle of a decent book which is always a distraction. I am fighting myself to stay on track, and I know I will feel better when it is done, it is still a slog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear ya! I am having trouble moving into 9-5... I feel like I should still be taking some time off and the work that I'm continuing from December feels like a lifetime ago. Sigh.