Thursday, January 12, 2006

devil in the details


I have many new lists now.

I am also learning all about flowers. More than just roses and tulips and gerbera, but also about exotic sound flowers like stephanotis and lisianthus.

What baby items my amazingly generous friends are willing to part with for us, which is graciously appreciated.

The class is done and my assignments are in the mail, that albatross has been kicked to the curb. I have one final class for that program, and it will be online, so it should be easy-peasy.

Work has been bizarre. It has alternated between moments where I question my existence to moments where it is so obvious I was able to give someone a hand, it is humbling. It is strange to go between those two poles.

But it comes down to my lists. Lists that keep having little additions sneaking in, some lists that are on the back burner, waiting for attention, and then lists that are screaming for attention.

Things are coming along, pretty well I think! Very easy to see how budgets can go totally out of control. Like talking about how much you are willing to spend on photography, and what style you want...eloping sounds appealing, but then again, wouldn't be the same without the people we care about to be there, or to be able to at least share it with those that can't. Times like this also make me appreciate having a blog - the ties that bind people together when physical distance exists and how that distance can be shrunk with words, and effort.

1 comment:

Gilly said...

I'm still hoping someone will invent a teleporter! Solves everything except the possibility of bank robberies and catching you in the shower and the like. :-)