Monday, January 23, 2006


Week 13 has arrived!! Still continuing to feel better, clothes still fit, still need to work on making sure I get some exercise daily.

The weekend had its shares of ups and downs. I think we are still reeling from it around here... sleep has been somewhat optional at times, and nothing like waking up and wondering how the heck the duvet is on the ground, Ken was cocooned in all the sheets and blankets, and I had the sleeping bag. Bizarre. Looks like my honey will be heading out to Red Deer, AB at the end of the week for a Celebration of Life. Funny, you think you have a grip on life and then it throws you a curve ball. Followed by a fast ball, then a change up for good measure.

This is shaping up to be a long week at work, I think there are 5 different meetings scheduled, and I am taking over some advising slots too. Makes the time fly!! I am currently slogging my way through Michener's Hawaii and the story is pulling me along, but not quite like the page turners I have been reaching for as of late. I must say, I am enjoying having a blog, and connecting through blogs, and through email. It is amazing how it helps keep people in the loop of things, and to just stay in touch for the little things you don't always think to mention.


Refinnej said...

Just to confuse you:

You are 13 weeks pregnant (as of Monday, right?). This means you are now IN your 14th week.

It's like the day after you turn 30. Then you're IN your 31st year.


Kazzy said...

I think you just personally culled a brain cell or two!!