Friday, November 17, 2006

worst quality?

The other day when I was filling out that form that crashed on me a few times, it asked what is your worst quality. Even doing an honest assessment, this is a hard question to answer.

I said that my worst quality is that I can be really hyper (I know what I am like when I am literally bouncing off of walls with energy and noise and lots of words). I should have said "cramming my feet in my mouth" because when I am hyper or excited I tend to talk quicker than my brain can keep up with. Then when I have verbally stepped on someone that I care about, I realize that my intended message really didn't come out and that it was lost in the rush to get the words out.

Makes me feel like a first class tool, heel, and asshole when that happens. It seems to go in spurts too , I am really good for a while and then I feel like I am 12 years old again and I should be writing lines, I should think before I speak. Damn. Funny how life can repeat itself sometimes.

Usually it isn't something awful or nasty that has been blurted out, it is something careless that makes your loved one feel like you weren't really listening, and although I am, it certainly doesn't appear that way in how the words dropped out. So, I am mentally trying to reprogram my hyper brain, I will think before I speak or, atleast take a look at that foot before it actually arrives in my mouth so I don't sound like a heel and what I am really trying to say manages to make it's way to the front rather than being pushed aside in the big panic.


Anonymous said...

But I love your hyper-ness!! It is what makes you so wonderful to be around :O) Please...don't ever change! And...foot in mouth disease is totally unrelated to hyper...there are many of us slower talkers who manage to place foot squarely in mouth!! XXOO

Anonymous said...

Oops...didn't mean to post that anonymously...that was me :O) Naomi

Kazzy said...

thanks babe!! I think most of the time it can be endearing.. there are just a few times that I think those feet get wedged in there pretty good... I guess it keeps me honest eh? LOL