Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Word Verification

I suspect that I am not the only one that feels this way, and no matter how worthwhile it is to have word verification turned on is, some of the letter combinations (read complete and utter gibberish) are so damn hard to read and type - partially because as my fingers attempt to gracefully dance and jitterbug across the keys my mind seems to make the occaisonal error when transcribing the jumbled up text and relate said text unbroken to said fingers.

Talk about a fancy schmancy way to say that half the time I screw up that word verification and then I get given a new, easier, and bigger print jumbled up word. If I screw that one up, I get an even easier puzzle to sort out. Kind of funny if you ask me. Show me that you at least have a pulse and I will reward you with the word verification word you should have had to begin with instead of some crazy jumbled up shit that you can't tell the i's from the j's. So making comments isn't always the easiest thing for me to do.

Or order tickets. I get those word verification things a few times too because I make mistakes.

I guess I could pay more attention when I type, but I tend towards stream of unedited consciousness (oh really? what a surprise) and just getting my thoughts out as quickly as I can... backing up when I have made obvious mistakes and letting the rest go... that is until I re-read what I have typed and there have been a few times that I have had to go back and edit because *I* couldn't fully get the gist of what I was getting at.

Ah yes. What am I getting at today? This is post 300. A milestone of sorts. Must be a product of kissing the Blarney Stone back a few years ago.

Currently I am listening to a mixed CD and I must say that burning a CD with a few of your favourite songs is a helluva lot easier than it was back in the day. When I was a child of the 80s I remember staying up late, since I liked heavy metal at that point, and taping songs off of the radio between 11 and midnight, the so called "power hour". I got quite good at it, but you know, it pales in comparison to being able to spend a few minutes and create a CD with a few keystrokes. During some of my daytime surfing, I found out that "Dude that looks like a lady" by Aer0smith was written about Vince Neil. Who knew? But it made me laugh.


Betty said...

I can totally relate to your entire post!

I screw up the verification, mostly because I want them to be real words. I have made "radio tapes" and while I did not know that Vince wrote that Areosmith tune, I am going to their concert!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, those word thingies are wild sometimes. The one I'm about to type: keslmzo. Wheee!