Monday, November 6, 2006


Although it looks dark and tempestuous outside, I took out the recycling and was surprised to find that it is really mild. The rain is also holding off for a few minutes. Which means that I am now giving Brandon "the look", wondering if he is down for a great long nap or if he will awaken soon, and perhaps I can bundle him up for a short walk around the block. I love the shock of how mild it is, especially when for all appearances, it is absolutely a miserable November day out there.

You know you are from the Coast when you look up at the sky and admire the various shades of gray and enjoy the fecundity of the fallen leaves. Time to finally throw out the pumpkins and tidy up around the edges. It may seem like I am a neat freak, but the reality is that I go on cleaning binges and get things looking sparkling clean, and then... all goes to hell in a hand basket for a few days until I find my motivation to keep the dust bunnies away again. That is usually monday when I catch up on all the mundane tasks I avoided throughout the weekend. Both of us are messy. We don't always pick up after ourselves, and well, when you only have so many hours together over the weekend I can't say that housekeeping ranks high as a priority.

I have a yen to hit the ice again soon. I am even dreaming about playing, past teams and friends. Even to go for some public skating, just to get out there and remind myself that I haven't forgotten how to play. Even to do some drills, take some shots, see if I can still make a pass and hit the other person's stick.. or general direction...Speaking of which, this is a great new show that is original and funny. Perhaps because I love my own goalie it tinkles my fancy but it is laugh out loud funny, especially the goalie derby in this week's episode.

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