Sunday, July 30, 2006

Attitude Adjustments..

I can't predict just how long this post will be - there are a few new variables in my life that I am sure the 'rents out there can understand :]

The first comment I can make about having kids is that all your preconceptions and attitudes go flying out the window PDQ. The learning curve is steep. When your child looks up at you, eyes wide open, your heart grows sizes you didn't know you had. When you look around you and see your new family, everything shifts inside.

I had no idea I would care as much as I do when Brand0n creates his messy diapers, the relief at times to know the plumbing works, and then to know that he is getting enough food.

Then there are sleeping patterns, or lack there of. We have both already learned how important it is to at least mark down when the boob feeds happen so we can make sure he is eating 8-10 times a day, and making sure he is getting his "next order" in at the ol' Breastaurant Corral. Just as it is that important to wake him up if he has been asleep for more than 3 hours and get him on the boob. Not enough feeds = dehydration and a very unhappy baby = very unhappy parents at 3am.

It is harder to return phone calls. It isn't intentional, but between feeds, and sleeps, and walks around the house, and OMG what happened to our house??, sometimes picking up the phone to make a call isn't the top priority. Email helps, thankfully. Know I love you all and will eventually make more contact with the outside world. Yet another way a blog kinda helps you cheat a little in this regard.

I have also continued to learn what gems my dear mommy friends are. For their advice, for their love, for their understanding, and for the hand-me-downs, for which I am eternally grateful and look forward to being able to "pay around" if any of us have more kids. Being able to share is the only way to go in my eyes. For things I can't put my finger on. In so many ways you don't really get it until you have walked a mile in those mommy shoes, but I wish I could have been more supportive back in the day, but I have always been a late bloomer and hopefully all y'all know I did the best I could at the time with the skill set I used to possess.

For my non-mommy friends, their wide eyed appreciation for this rite of passage we have been through, and that they may or may not go through but they love our little guy all the same has been amazing too. It is neat to share these experiences, and know that they are walking in the shoes that I have apparently abandoned on the side of the road.

And then sleeps at night. Shifting a baby from the bed after a feed doesn't always mean the bassinet is their happy place. We have quickly discovered that sometimes sleeping together is the only way to go. Who knew. Mark that one down as another huge revelation and another preconceived notion flying out the window.

Well, my little darling is starting to squirm and the day is marching on. TTFN

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