Wednesday, January 10, 2007

More of the white stuff

Storm #14 is officially kicking our ass again. Starting yesterday, our now normal wind and snow warnings were issued, and gusts started shaking the trees to announce the arrival of the next weather system. I think our area got caught with their collective pants down because the hills around us are chaos. My working theory is that with the snow removal budgets blown a day in to winter, denial kicked in early considering that I live next to a bus route and buses are parked on the hill rather than attempt traveling in either direction. The snow warnings have been bumped up from perhaps a centimetre of snow to accumulations of up to 10cm. Just a wee difference. Perhaps that is the weather forecast the snow removal crews in my 'hood were going by?

And now for something completely different - on one of our recent travels we passed a home for the mentally compromised. The sign out front stated "Yadda Yadda - A special neighborhood for the memory impaired". I am not mocking any one whom happens to have any one they care about afflicted by memory loss, etc but I can't help but stumble with this kind of politically correct language. For me, it is right up there with raising beef for food and calling it "animal husbandry" or the now common term for civilian losses "collateral damage". WTF?! Somewhere along the way mobs of people have become more comfortable with not calling a spade a spade and retreating from the truth with near truths and fancy language that masks what is truly happening, no matter how benign. It irks me.

Getting back to a state of normal, of course, now I have the itch to for a walk.

Hell. I think I will settle for making a snowman!

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