Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Last day

I feel moody, gotta love the hormonal surges of being woman... hear me roar.

So, it's my last day and I was absolutely unmotivated to get my ass of the couch this morning. Ken left with the dude before I was even dressed! At least traffic was generous to me, which means I was in by 8:15... which also means that once I have worked my 7 hours, I am outta da place.

I got in early yesterday and packed up all my gear and loaded it in to the truck and then parked and came back in. I didn't want to do the walk of shame down the halls with my box of binders, a plant, and then my framed degrees (I figure I don't have the space to hang em at home, so at work they get to be) in my hands, loaded down, obviously making my way out of the building..

I get to turn in my key, give them back their ID card, and I have no idea about my parking pass. Maybe I can sell it to the highest bidder? That is one thing that I will miss, where I am heading I will go from paying $25 a year for parking to about $450 a year... *SIGH* and I will still be walking about 10 minutes from the lot to my office... I guess it isn't as bad as paying to park in the city.. but for someone who hates paying for parking...

It is strange though - my overall boss has not said good bye or wished me luck, and my true boss is almost acting like I no longer exist - which is true, but just sits weird. I will end up quietly slipping out of the building later on today.. no fanfare... just vamooshing. Some people have been awesome - just happy for me, and others, well, they are acting like nothing is happening. It is interesting who actually wants to head out for a coffee or a word, and who doesn't. It is telling. I am doing a long coffee, and a pub lunch today. My kind of farewell.

Just finished a book that was just kind of ok. I usually really like this series, but I found that this one didn't catch me... it took me a few weeks to finish the book instead of my usual days. That is telling for me. It wasn't bad, just not the usual page turner. It also could have been me, and not the right book for now. We are going to read Love in the time of Ch0lera next for our book club, and I am feeling a bit leery about it. I couldn't finish the 100 years of solitude.. so I hope that I fair better with this one!!!

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