Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Deceptive Weather...

Rosario Head Beach - this is a beautiful totem that tells the story of the Maiden of Deception Pass

A view of the bridge from the West Beach..

A view of the beaches from the bridge. I think over the weekend we had all types of weather - beautiful sun, wind, clouds, a fine rain, all the way through to a monsoon that chased us home!

It was a great weekend of short hikes, playing cards, naps in the sun, good food, company, and drink, and soaking in a beautiful place. I think we have nailed down the BEST campsite - extremely private, close to all that counts. The weekend went by way too quickly, as per usual and I am back home again.

I love heading down to Deception State Park. This is far enough to really feel like you are getting away, but in a very beautiful place. There are stands of huge hemlock, cedar, and douglas fir trees, and lush undergrowth of ferns, salal, and lots of berry bushes. There are trees that are bent from the wind, and lots of the signature arbutus trees that only live near the coast (with few exceptions). A great place to explore, although the water in the pass is bloody cold!


Ozgypsy said...

Not as cold as the Firth of Forth I'll wager!!!

Refinnej said...

Purdy pitchers. :-)