Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Take a deep breath . . .

Amazing how getting outside for a breathe of fresh air can completely change your perspective.

I think I have been running a high cabin fever lately, so I made a point of leaving the office at lunch for a walk, and then I dragged my mom out again tonight. I jogged/walked my 3 km, and chatted with my mom for the last bit.

I love endorphins. I would have loved to have been out longer, but beggars can't be choosers and I was just happy my mom decided to come out and get some exercise with me. Went around Como Lake, which is exactly 1km around, which I figure is good for anyone trying to start a running (err really just a slow, not so graceful jog for me) regiment. The sad part about tonight is that there was a man that had fallen and he didn't sound so good (breathing hard, out cold)... the people behind me stopped to ask his wife if they needed a hand, but an ambulance was already on the way (confirmed by mom, whom also asked and was carrying our cell phone - another important use for the buggers!). I was relieved when I came around for my second revelation and the man was at a picnic table with his wife, fire fighters already there, and more importantly, conscious.

Just reinforces how important exercise is. For me, it seems to be an ongoing battle to get out there and JUST D
O IT, but every time you do get out there, it does get a little easier.

You also feel one helluva lot better. I was feeling like the dog days of summer had already arrived (impossible really with all the rain and crap weather we have had) but stretching my legs has boosted my sagging spirits. I know I sound like a walking billboard, but it helps. I always know when it has been a while since I have played hockey - nothing like some healthy sublimation on the ice!


Refinnej said...

Shocked & dismayed. Aren't you an ENGLISH major? lmao

Taking a breathe? Aggghhhhh. It hurts my hands to type it....

Kazzy said...

Breathe? Naw, I think that says BREATH...shuffle feet


All that edumackation causes some processsing errors here and there...