Thursday, December 13, 2007

So much for my lunch

Ever have one of those days that you pack what looks like a good, robust lunch and it is gone before 11am?

That would pretty much be me today. I also forgot my purse, so once my food supply is gone, I will have to resort to tea. For some reason I am starving. Must be the rain. Or the clouds. Or my body warming up to the idea of Christmas baking. And Grazing. Or something.

Been a week where things are slowly coming together for the holidays, but I still haven't really been bitten by the Christmas spirit. It seems like it should be weeks away, rather than just around the corner. I am attempting to coordinate more of an effort to keep the house a little tidier (did some more organizing and cleaning out, to keep with the theme of this year) during the week so it doesn't look like the kitchen and closets exploded on Saturday morning. It's hard. Being neat and tidy just isn't always a priority for me, sometimes it is more like controlled chaos. Although after tearing apart the bedrooms over the weekend (much to Ken's dismay, he held it together pretty good and didn't give loud voice to what the hell was I doing??!!) to get some needed reorganizing done, things feel a little more even keeled.

I learned a few things about myself through the process. I don't need to have rooms so crammed full of furniture. I think I am finally letting go of some (read, only some) stuff. In the past, quite a few purchases at the Swedish store were total impulse buys. Now, a few years later, that is painfully obvious. Ah well, life comes with experience eh?

The weaning process has begun. As sad as I am to see this time in our life with Brandon draw to a close, I am also relieved. It is time. I think he would go on forever, and it is much of a comfort thing at this point (and pretty much only happening at night). No matter how hard it was to find our b'feeding groove, it was totally worth it and I am so glad to have given him (and me) such a good start.

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