Sunday, September 24, 2006

Wild Kingdom

Heard a funny noise in the backyard and with joining our two cats, we watched a mum racoon and 4 kits playing in our backyard. They play-fought as siblings do, climbed up and down the trees, stared in at us, staring back at them, and all four babies tried out our water fountain. We threw them a few apples from the tree, and perhaps that wasn't the best call since the apples didn't last that long. This would also explain the large pile of excrement in the backyard I chose to mow around yesterday.

What a fabulous weekend. I called it a "date" weekend since it has been forever. Ken played hockey late friday which was nice because it gave us a chance to have an early dinner together. Saturday we both did some puttering, I did yard work and Ken grabbed some mussels and salmon for a dinner feast. I lucked out with a man that can cook up a storm and take some culinary risks that wouldn't even blip on my radar! A few vids, Brandon cat napped here and there, and va-voom. Sunday rolls around.

I grabbed my mom and took off for a few hours stateside to do some shopping. See, I had a 40% off your entire shopping excursion at one of my fav stores and well, it was a one day thing and I couldn't ignore the siren call of new clothes. I really haven't bought many this year (thank you Sarah for the help with the maternity clothes) so I felt like a big kid in a candystore today.

I needed pants.

I scored some really cool pants.

I needed new tops. I scored two nice knit tops. I also have my eye on a few more on this side of the border. Once again, the colours that are in this year suit me. Some seasons, not so much.

Got gas. Bought cheese (such a cross border shopper there) and discovered we made it through the border with mere minutes to spare before an incident snarled them all up heading northbound. We had lucky stars shining in our corners!!!

Voila. Here we are. Had a great "date" weekend, my son is two months old today, and I have some great new duds. Brandon was fussy as hell tonight, but he peacefully sleeps now and that is all but forgotten (kind of like rain here on the coast once it is sunny out). Was good for charging my batteries. Not sure if it was the great dinner and spending time with my guys yesterday, the shopping or just heading out for a bit of a road trip in the car. Prolly a combination of the three or four to perk up my positivity again.


Betty said...

I believe I was at that same store (LB?)on Thursday of last week. I'm glad you scored. Me, not so much. Maybe it's because I bought them out last month? Hmmmm

That border thing...such a mess.

Kazzy said...

O M G !!

A woman from my own heart!!

Do you get their emails too??? I haven't been down for months and I have missed it. Finding LB has been, well beyond words for me.

Kazzy said...

I left Brandon behind with Ken! It was a fabulous 5 hours... does this make me a bad mom to have enjoyed a drive and a shopping trip solo?? LOL

We will head stateside in a few months with him so I will find out what ID he needs and let you know for future..

One time when my folks went to Vegas I sent my mom with a coupon and printed out pics of the outfits and sizes I wanted from LB.. I enjoyed taking care of their pets so much more that trip! tee hee