Saturday, August 1, 2015

A welcome respite

I read the first installment of the "Irish Country" series a year ago, and I am surprised it took me so long to come back to it again.

These are truly lovely reads.  It is truly easy to get lost in the fictional town of Ballybucklebo, Northern Ireland of the 1950s'ish.

This novel finds us following O'Reilly in both modern times and reflections from his experiences as a Naval Surgeon during WWII.  I find the prose easy to read, the characters engaging, and I like learning about past lives and how the 'present' weaves in and out of past events. There are many things to like about these books, and if you are looking for an escape in to another time, where the drama is on a local scale, this is your series.  You finish the book wanting more, and also feeling good.  These aren't dark novels, they are about relationships and the role of your country GP that looks at their patients holistically and how small towns evolve in ways different than that of the city.

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