Saturday, September 18, 2010

life with kids

This morning didn't work out nearly as I thought it would..

Up before 6am, Brandon jumped on Ken's back and inflicted a wee bit of pain, and Connor fell asleep during his waterbabies lesson. Yes, fell asleep. The kid is something else - first time in a motorboat at a lake.. falls asleep.. first lesson of waterbabies 2, falls asleep in my arms. Water does something to this guy! Brandon is now riding a bigger horse (was nice to see how surprised the ladies were at the barn by how much he has grown over the summer, I have discovered that pants that fit in May are floods in September) and the dill cukes weren't done for the year so we bought 20 pounds worth of them and I just finished canning the lot.

This was also the year of the blueberry, and not the year of the blackberry. First time in years I didn't get blackberry crumble!

Semester start up is something else. I have barely had time to think in the last two weeks and Connor cut 4 teeth in just over a week, and 5 in the last three weeks. FUN STUFF!

Needless to say, these are the days where 10pm feels like 2am.. and it is now normal to be up around 6am.

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