Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A new school year

The kids are back at school, the weather is changing, and I am enjoying my maternity leave.

It always feels strange when the regular routine is no more, and you are busy finding yourself again in your new reality.

I had no idea that having two kids would allow me the time to mellow out in a way.

Yes, there are moments where you want to tear your hair out. Run screaming. Cry. Laugh like a crazy person. But for me, I am just happy, right now, having two. I find my days are better when we have some kind of routine, and I get a few minutes of physical exercise on the Wii Fit. I am better when I can jump in to a good book and escape for a few moments. Some times I worry about balance - enough quality time with Brandon, with Connor (and not just breastfeeding), and then with Ken, and maybe even myself! I will never be a perfect housekeeper, but I am trying harder this time to just keep things a little more organized. In a way it is a good thing that we don't have enough space, because we would just fill it.

Now that we are the better par through toilet training, I am much happier. He has done really well - a few accidents, like the one an hour ago, but I can't really complain. Brandon loves to take his pants off - now it is a trial to get him back in to them. He likes being partially clad. Can't blame him on that one! It does make going out a little trickier. We have no mastered the fine art of going to the loo in all foreign places. Grandfolks, sure. Out at public places, not so much. He tends to hold it like crazy until we get home.

I also can't believe that with two, I am starting to get more organized. Maybe because I am scared shitless of what will happen if I am not. You leave the kitchen for 36 hours and it is a disaster. It takes hours to clean. I am learning. You fit laundry in when you can. You do one little chore, and keep a list. Crazy stuff. Work will be a cake walk after this! LOL

Connor is closing in on 10 weeks, or was he already? Wait! 11 weeks old. Wow. It's going so much quicker than it did with Brandon. I am so much less stressed out and wound up. Maybe that is part of the reason I can be so chilled about it all. We have already been through a trial by fire and I am better at picking my battles. The last few weeks we have been sticking much closer to home. Our routine is to maybe go up to the park at the top of our hill, do our big routine, or hang around the homestead. Felt like getting a few things done around here, and I guess not feeling overly social. Sorry!

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