So this is what 34 looks like. Not much different than what 33 looked like a few days ago. I had a great birthday and felt totally spoiled and then some. I got some amazing earrings, and a few other things that made my day and were bang on for me and some of the stuff I didn't know I wanted!
It felt like one of those charmed days, my man took the day off work and we grabbed my brother and took Brandon to the beach for a day in the sun, dropped my bro off and then we hung out for the afternoon around the house and had some quiet time, then out for a steak dinner. Damn fine if you ask me... although the creme brulee left a little to be desired, if that is all I can complain abuot on a day where I age... life is damn fine. I even saw a bald eagle at the beach, and a heron stalking it's prey! And I found a bunch of golf balls in a tidal pool?! I love going to the beach, you never know what you will find, or what you will do, but you know that you are guaranteed to have a good time! I even got to see a bald eagle, a heron stalking it's prey successfully (on film too!!), and found a bunch of golf balls in a tidal pool. I love going to the beach - you never know what you are going to find or see, but you know that you will have a good time. I love breathing in the salty air, and feeling the sand beneath my toes. The shoes come off almost immediately, and then my shoes usually end up not going back on again. As you can see from my pic, it was a gorgeous day and I was getting a little sun (although I loaded up the sunscreen on my nose...been burned one too many times that I actually take care of it now.. another side effect of aging!!)
I've even had the chance to talk to most of my bestest girlfriends, and I am enjoying a few quiet moments right now to soak it all in, and well, fritter away from time on the net. It was a great way to start this year. Looking back, I can't believe how intensely busy the last year has been. A year ago I was preparing to go to Calgary, I was getting very pregnant, we'd just gotten married, we were starting our current wave of renovations, I was still at work, still on a board (which will come to an end at this point of my life in August), helping put on a conference in June.. egads. Where did I have the time or energy to breath? And then all the joys and new adventures that come with motherhood. I can't tell you how grateful I am that I have a year for my mat leave. I couldn't imagine having had to go back to work when Brandon was 3, or 6, or now, even 9 months old. I am loving being home, and the days are going by way too quickly. But in the last few days, I have also had the chance to appreciate being able to slow down a lot and enjoy my new roles as a mom, and a wife. Gives me a chance to evolve and grow in to the latest version of me.
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