Saturday, February 17, 2007

A rant about a children's book

Apparently this book is about sharing.

I think that is a load of pahooie.

This book is about a rainbow fish that has shiny scales that make him/her both unique and beautiful. This fish was all about themselves, and didn't have any friends. Obviously said fish needs to learn how to place nice in the ol' sand box and not alienate their peers. Since this fish wouldn't share the shiny scales, this was the reason given why they were shunned in their animal kingdom. The rainbow fish then seeks advice on how to make friends, and is told to "give away your shining scales. You won't be as beautiful, but you will have friends."

W T F ??? is it just me or is this a really twisted way to teach children how to share?? Oh - take the one thing that makes you unique and give it away because people will only like you if you give them something. Don't stand out! Blend in! People only like you when you give them something! The rainbow fish becomes the happiest fish in the sea once they have given away all but one of their shining scales. Once again -hello, let us count the ways that this is just wrong.

This book rubs me the wrong way. It rubbed my DH the wrong way too. Talked to a friend whom also has young'uns, and she felt the same way. Apparently this is an award winning book - maybe for the illustrations because it is a beautiful book, but the message is whacked. I don't like throwing out books, but I will be paying this one forward. Perhaps someone else won't find it as offensive but I think this is sending out contradictory messages to say the least.

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