V-day is over a week away and the morning news channels are already playing it to death. Talk about incredible social pressure to be in some kind of relationship, to do something special for that person not because you want to but because someone else tells you that you are supposed to. Bunch of BS if you ask me. Not that I don't like getting flowers (I do and love the unexpected tulips I have), or chocolate anytime, or getting some extra loving from my man - but it's so much better when it is when you least expect it, or after you have had a trying day, or just because - since it means your loved one reflected on things, and acted on them because they wanted to. I resent that florists (etc) ramp up the prices of flowers to astronomical rates (and get them who the hell pays 4 times the price for something that they could get a week later on a fire sale????), just like NYE is ridiculous to go out on costwise. It's one day folks, and what does it truly mean? Who needs to be told that on this one day you appreciated your LOs. I remember back in the days before Ken thinking V-day sucked the hind-you-know-what because that was the day you noticed everyone else seemed to be hooked up but you, and therefore you were a social pariah. I always rejected (still do) that line of thinking and figured V-day could be a day to just enjoy the other relationships I had or to let it be water off my back because you shouldn't need to be told to be romantic with your partner, it should just happen. Ok, already I can hear the "yeah buts", we all need our nudges here and there to be thoughtful to our partners.. but you know what I am saying?!
Granted, I will do something for Ken - but it will be personal, simple, probably something I made myself to celebrate what we do have, or I will see it is an excuse to make heart shaped cookies and a nice meal. It is fun just to celebrate those days with a little red, or Rabbie Burns day with Haggis and Celtic music, or St. Paddy's day with the green and a Guinness *granted, since when do I need a reason to quaff a Guinness???? when it all works out.
Bottom line, you should want to do something, not feel you have to.
To be totally flip (what a surprise) I guess I always get a kick out of the idea that V-Day is for us ladies and that there is some date in March that is known as Steak and BJ day for the guys. Now that seems fair.
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