There is already 2-3 inches of rain accumulated here. Of course, I rarely wear socks so when I ran around the house to grab today's mail, the bottom of my pant legs got wet! The rain is coming down so hard and fast that it is bouncing up before joining the puddles.

Nothing like a good rain to pummel the remaining summer flowers and to truly usher in fall! Makes me feel for my honey who has to work outside in this! Weather like this squashes any urges I had to go for a walk today and it is barely after noon and it already feels dark outside. I am not motivated to do much in the way of house tending at this point. Here we are at another weekend. Between the time and weather changes I can feel myself hunkering down and looking for projects that I can do inside. I like the idea of scrapbooking, and I have been putting together a book about Brandon, but it is more intimidating than writing on a blank page! There are so many good pictures, and stories to already be told, that it is hard to pick. I figure that the point of a scrapbook is to include memory highlights rather than the whole she-bang. That is also the up and down side of digital photos... we have many and not all of them are going to be printed out. It's weird being home all the time. For someone who spent a lot of time figuring out how to make it between hockey and school and work and visiting and figuring in sleep and eating, it is a whole new take on life. Being with Brandon is it's own reward, but I am relearning how to relax, being introspective in a different way, and organizing. Yup, when you have more time on your hands it is the natural time to catch up on all those little projects you have put off for months. I can still ramble from a rain storm to clearing the clutter projects!
one word- digital! Scrapbooking that is- http://www.twopeasinabucket.com/userprofile.asp?user_id=253759
I love it- and you can fit as many photos as you want- because you can shrink them tiny, teeny. Plus it is the reason I am up at this ungodly hour!
So, can you order prints of your digital scrapbooking??? this looks really cool!!! some very nice layouts babe
Hey there- you load them up to a CD and COSTC0 prints 12x12 pages for 2.99- cheaper than printing all the photos and then purchasing the paper etc!
Now that is AWESOME. That is my idea of SCRAPBOOKING!!!!
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