The month of the great orange squash is coming to an end. The month of pumpkin pies, seeds, and jack'o'lanterns is on its way out and bringing with it cold, crisp days that have me thinking about wearing socks around the house and trading my tank tops in for longer sleeved shirts. I am looking forward to dressing Brandon up tonight (and then watching Ken's hockey game, like who schedules games on holidays? don't they realize adults have kids? I am half whining about today, but it seems like if there is a holiday weekend, there is a game scheduled by the dude who says at the beginning of every season that it won't happen like that...) and taking him to my folks, and perhaps to each of the neighbours to round out the first Halloween experience.
My dreams have been bizarre this week. I wake up feeling a little disorientated and half out of sorts. Who knows if it is the time of year, or just my eating habits, or who knows what. It also feels like the weather has changed in to fall before I was ready for it. I feel like I am in a bit of a time warp. Jackets? To go out in? Cold feet? Extra blankets on the bed? Where did summer go? Being home is great, and I am finding myself in a different rhythm because my days are marked by a new routine, and then there is the unexepected shifts in Brandon's personality, and flucuations in myself too.

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