Before I launch in to my tirade for the day, I must say that our cats are affection whores. This is putting it politely. Between me being up relatively early, and perhaps the unsettled weather, both of the cats have been my perpetual shadow this morning. The kitty lovin' is kind of sweet, but one cat is draped across my arms, and the other cat is hovering. It also borders on downright irritating as the claws flex and go for skin, and when what I really want to do is enjoy a moment of relative calm solo, solo in the sense that the cats or zee wee man isn't demanding something from me. I just moved a bit, and I got the look of death from the Ripper. Screwing with his zen am I? Ah, the trials and tribulations of being so popular eh? LOL
I can't remember ever having as many back to back weather warnings as we have had in the last few weeks. First it was the rain. Then the wind and rain. Then the snow. Then the big freeze. Followed by the big melt. Now, rain, and more rain, and the winds, and a little more wind, and then back to a chance of snow tomorrow!
It has been cool being off to actually watch the flucuations in the weather. After spending the last several years in a workplace with no windows or natural light, it has been kind of novel to watch the world go by and change through the seasons.
I digress.
See, we have a cedar tree in the backyard that has been looking a little sickly. I can't remember who I made the comment too, but in the last windstorm I had remarked about how the cedar tree trunk was moving significantly in the wind and that I wasn't going to let Brandon play near the windows.
Funny how you can get an inkling of things to come. Or perhaps it is just being able to look back with 20-20 glasses. This morning we awoke to no power and a call from my bro who needed a number for that company that helps stranded motorists. Ironically enough, my dad was making a Timmy Ho's run so we scored coffee and breakie. Wandering around the outside of the house, I had to move to avoid scattered branches, and pick up my jaw when I saw the broken off cedar tree, pitched in to the neighbor's yard! We got lucky, it didn't break anything, but the living part of the tree was what went down (it was a cedar nurse tree that had 3 seperate trees coming off the main trunk) and the dead strands still stand?!!!
Obviously we have power again, but it always strikes me as somewhat funny (for lack of a better word) about how different our inside worlds feel when the power is out, the candles are lite, and you get to wander around carrying a flashlight. The same, but different.
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