I finally had to break down and go upstairs and turn on the heat. Granted, I could solve part of my problem by putting on a pair of socks, since my feet are like ice blocks and it
is cold and damp so as far as I am concerned, time to turn up the heat and perhaps raid Ken's sock drawer for some warm and fuzzy comfort socks since mine are all in the wash!
Speaking of which, I need some new socks. I got rid of all the white ones a few years ago, and just haven't seem to gotten many new ones.
At this point it takes me a few days to ruminate about a post and then steal a few minutes to bang something out. It continually amazes me that some days I am totally on my mommy-game, and other days, yeah, lets not talk about those days. I think I am getting in to the swing of things when it comes to recognizing when Brandon needs a nap. After about 2 hours, I start looking for the sleep signs and winding him back down. The last week has been rewarding and punishing all at the same time. During the day, Brandon has been all smiles, and starting to show a desire to sit up (and can even do a funny kind of solo sit with him hunched over), and is disovering his voice, which involves a lot of squealing. I am figuring out a few new ways to play with him, and have discovered something in common - we both love to have our feet rubbed! Who knew?
I figure he is in the three month growth squirt since last week he grew 2cm in a week!!! No wonder why the sizes seem to be going to the way side really quickly! The down side has been the nights, he is still sleeping for a good chunk of time, just a few more wake ups in the night for cuddles and the girls. Means a few mornings I have been staying in bed as long as I can push it since to get up any earlier would create a mommy-fog that I would really have to claw out of and isn't nice. At that point coffee barely makes a dent in the sandy eyed bleary feeling I get. Some of our best moments are those waking up moments in the morning. I just lay there looking at him, and we smile at each other, and make baby-noises, and my heart gets bigger and bigger when I look at this little guy we created from our love. I know it sounds cheesy, but it is true. It ain't *all* rosy nice and worthy of fawning about and carrying on because no one is perfect, but there are moments every day when everything else falls away and you have these stripped down moments and you can only be grateful to be walking in these shoes in this moment. Much like when you get cuddles from your sweetheart, and you don't have to say anything, just revel in the moments that are quiet and you are together.
Now my much abused and ignored cat (in his humble opinion, I can tell from the looks he gives me, like "who the hell is this hairless cat and why oh why does he get so much more attention than
me! ya gotta love cats) decides to jump up and lay all over my hands. Moment is over and time to carry on with the bits and pieces that make up the day and do some tidying in these moments my little duffer sleeps.