Monday, July 17, 2006

Days, not weeks.


It has come to this. Days, and not weeks, and we will be parents.

We have reached that point in which it really and truly could be any day. Do I feel any different? What is that twinge? Where did the headache come from? Hey! I slept better the last 2 nights than I did all last week. So what is up? What is up is that we are getting there. We are not officially there yet. It feels like we are in the holding cell, waiting for our numbers to be called so we can proceed to the next stage. I am definitely getting excited, and I think we have everything we need to have together, together.

The bags are more or less packed, and things are ready. Tomorrow will be a strange day, being aware that it has been pegged as your estimated due date, and that most babies really don't care about what our idea of their right time is. Ironically enough, our friend Gilly is coming back to town too from a year long sojourn across the pond!! I am not sure when we will hook up with her because of our current variables and state of near chaos, but tomorrow should be an interesting day to say the least.

I think the cats know something is up. They aren't interested in the crib, and the one time that Murphy jumped in to the bassinet, as soon as it moved on him, he was outta there! Last day with the car for a while, after this, Ken will have it in case something does happen, he needs to be able to get to me ASAP.

As well, my luck with objects has not turned yet. Last night I was watering the lawn, gave a pull on the hose, and managed to break the tap. Yup. I am on a roll, cars, water taps, tires, who knows what else I have had an impact on in the last few weeks and not realized it. Half reminds me of the year that I managed to break three door handles on my old rabbit. Yup, I kept pulling the damn things off and snapping them. W T F???? I am not that strong!!!! Perhaps me not being really klutzy this last little while has been transferred to the inantimate (sp) objects around me? It happened after 10pm, water was pouring out all over the place, and me calling Ken with that tone that screams out "Oh shit, I have done something really bad over here. HELP!" Well, Ken and my dad make one helluva team and were able to find the parts in the garage (there are definite advantages to being a packrat) to weld a new tap in place, and before midnight we were back in action!! My men rule. Thankfully they are very much mechanically inclined although not exactly a peaceful Sunday night before heading back to work!!

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