Saturday, September 3, 2005

Cabin Bound

In but a few, wee hours - we are bound for Pimainus Lake. Yup. Say that word a few times fast!!!

Should be fun, have a rod, have some cards, lets hope for some good times!

Just got home from playing some shinny - felt great to don the gear and know our season could be but a week away. I don't hurt too bad, but I did have one shift out there where I was doing my best impersonation of a human target. PING off my leg, PING off the shin pad, PING-CLUNK off the helmet and rattled my cage. I shook it off and played on, but what a way to come back to the game. We kicked some shinny ass and it felt good to get out there and play, and leave whatever angst I have been feeling on the ice.

Ahhhh. Season of weird leg bruises is back!!!

1 comment:

Refinnej said...