This was not a deep novel, and didn't really drive character development that far forward. You learn a few more tidbits about Pike's character, a little more humanity, and I am intrigued enough to keep reading the Cole/Pike novels. This novel explored Serbian gangs in SO-CAL and the underworld around it. Definitely interesting, fast-paced, and a good distraction from the daily grind.
I am having a hard time settling on my next book - do I read the Robinson book that I have waiting for me, or a fluffy Roberts novel, or one of Kate Morton's books.. I have read a few pages of them all and I suspect I will break and go for the Robinson...
That was another weekend that blitzed by. We babysat my parent's dog today and that is definitely enough to convince me that a cat and fish house is good. Give it at least 3 years before contemplating the wisdom of a doggie. Visits are good. Overnights are okay. Permanent stays, not so good at this point, LOL. It is amazing how different life is when it doesn't rain. I puttered around my backyard a little, and we took the dog for a walk along the dyke. At least the days are getting longer... it is getting dark just as we are getting home... a few more weeks and we might have some daylight time left to play outside before dinner!! I seem to have adjusted to early mornings fairly easily... the downside is that my bedtime has moved up drastically! speaking of which....
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