Thursday, December 17, 2009

Just frittering

It has been a strange week. I think I jinxed myself with the last post. Yesterday everything just seemed to head south at times, and fast. Brandon was trying. Connor didn't nap enough at times. I was just cranky pants all over the place. The house felt like it was just chaos. The house felt too small, and like we have too many things, and there are too many things I don't want to get rid of. It feels like I got so far with getting ready for Christmas and then I stalled out.

Today fared a little better. Brandon got his new orthotics, and 4 hours later, and two trips to get new shoes that fit properly over said orthotics, and we are good to go. They seem so much bigger than his last pair.. my baby is already growing too fast and he is only three!!!! I was so grateful for my dad's helping hands I treated him to lunch. I am learning that I am much more of a holistic healer than going for traditional medicine. I think there has to be a balance between both, and that you need to do whatever proactive you can to create the best outcome. Not always easy though. Some days you just need to regroup.

It just being quiet now helps. Frittering away on the computer, finishing up a few cards, sending out bits and pieces of mail. It is amazing how some days you totally own your corner of the world, and some days it feels like everything is scattered around you and you have it all, you just don't really know where it all is. I am sorry if I am not making sense - it isn't that the last days have been terrible, they have just been trying. I think that collectively we have cabin fever and need to get out. I thought we could get out and feed some ducks today, but when you are out for the 4 best hours of the day, it doesn't happen. I think I may create some kind of adventure for tomorrow..

On another note, just finished the book Midwives by CBojalian and I really enjoyed it. I am not sure what I expected, but this wasn't it. I actually finished it up in three days, which seems impressive after how long I struggled with WH! It was a quick read, not exactly profound, but a page turner nonetheless. I would not recommend reading this if you are pregnant right now... it does deal with a home birth that goes awry. I am now moving on to the Poisonwood Bible.I am a little leery about this one because a dear friend said it was like watching paint dry and she really didn't like it, but I am curious... I went back to this old post and have since then knocked off 4 more books off of the list and PB will make it 5...


Refinnej said...

Midwives was good, but I couldn't finish Poisonwood Bible. Far too slow & dry.

Kazzy said...

So I am learning, and I am only 30 pages in...