Thursday, April 26, 2007

Not so wild animals

Hard to believe that our holiday has already passed the hump day and has started to gather speed down the back half. We spent a good morning at the Zoo, hooked up with some family, and got to experience what life is like with a 3 year old. Welcome to the battle of the wills. No wait, there was no battle, he just tried to do what he wanted to do and the rest of us be damned! Actually he was pretty good - he loved being at the Zoo, but doesn't have the attention span for it all like we do. I would have thought that the animals would have held his attention a lot more, but he was stuck on climbing everything, or that play area over there, or filling his belly than he was at looking at the apes, tigers, and giraffes.

It was fun - Brandon was awesome and took it all in stride. It is really warm, and all of our cheeks are a little rosy. I feel a little bad because I thought that I had B's gilligan's hat on but not long enough because I think this would be his first teaser of a sun burn. Chaulk it up to a learning experience. The weather has been better this week than it was the week that I came out last year in May. It is in double digits, and the wind offers a bit of a reprieve.

After the zoo we have come back home to chill, and the boys are prepping dinner. Alberta beef (read steak), and some veggies thrown in for good measure. Perhaps some vino, some music, lots of talk. Tomorrow we are going to head out to Lake Louise and Banff.

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