Although months away... I got these in an email and I thought - wouldn't it be kind of fun to work with a group of people that come up with ideas like this? In my first job we used to pull stunts like this - from wrapping a car in saran wrap to freezing aprons in a milk cooler - yup, my first job was in a grocery store. Somehow I don't think this is what I will return to when I come back from my mat leave. Not that I am anywhere close to thinking about going back to work. I am surprised at what a foreign concept that seems like at this stage - it is like this surreal concept that I will contemplate perhaps in a few months... either that or wallow in denial right up until the last moment!
1 comment:
If we had cubicles, I'd consider doing something like this. Seriously. I have some coworker "issues" that would be happily resolved through hands-on therapy such as this!!
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