I have talked about it long enough and today I finally made good on some of that talk. Whilst my son slept, I painted like a fiend. Amazing how quickly one can paint if all the taping up has already been done and ultimately you are not tackling that big of a space. Got 'er done, so to speak. My tape job was good, but there are some smudges of the old paint that will have to be taken care of, and then next step in this region of the house will be to tape the walls so I can redo the moulding, now that they no longer
appear to be white next to the inscrutable van gogh wheat colour adorning a few walls around here.
It was a strange weekend. Brandon and Ken both have colds (I am now getting my own version of said cold, version 3.2), and Friday was spent making those pies (had spares after the one family dinner which is always a mixed-bag bonus since who needs the extra calories but damn I make a fine apple pie), the Crush won Friday night, and then saturday blitzed by with Ken's side turkey dinner (which went off really well) and then Sunday staggered to a halt it felt like and my vibe was off, Ken was sicker, and when it came to going to my mom's, Brandon started to scream from his cold and needing a nap. *SIGH*. Some holidays just don't end up like you think they will. I went solo, and had a decent time, but I think I spaced out for parts of it, everything felt like it blipped off of the surface with me, no experience really penetrating that far in to my consciousness.
Didn't get off to visit my gran, but will do so this weekend on our terms (read it didn't work out to head over with my folks since there wasn't enough "room" for Brandon and I). From the feedback I got from the folks, the hospital experience is one in which your dignity gets stripped away from you and all you want to do is go home, even if you can't- so my heart breaks a little for my gran and I wished that she lived not a ferry ride away.
I also can't say that I am getting along all that famously with my mom right now. She tweaked me something fierce this weekend and I am a slow burn and it is hard to swallow. Her mouth runs off sometimes and the things that come out are brutal. She should attempt to save that for her inner monologues at some point because once certain words are out there, they are hard to take back. As well, it is like perpetually crying wolf because a few hours after a bitchy phone call, I got the "I was feeling really stressed out at that moment and I lashed out" speech. This is happening
all the time and she isn't making any significant changes to her life since it is so stressful, andI am not trying to enable her by allowing that kind of behaviour any more, from the outside looking in, her life is pretty damn skookum. Ah well. Some people feel the need to manufacture stress in their lives.
I just get the urge to paint, move furniture, read, play hockey, and do crazy things to my husband and spend time with my son. Nothing like healthy sublimation to make things at least resemble right.