Yesterday was a big day in our world. Brandon lost the cord bits (and as such is developing a lurvly belly button), had his first real bath, and his first doc's appointment. He has turned the corner and should quickly regain his birth weight, and we are finally hitting the groove with b'feeding. It seems the happier he is overall, the less that he cries and fusses. He has grown about an inch, and you can already see that his face is starting to fill out. The days go by way too quickly. This week has zipped by at a breakneck speed and if this is the way the next year is going to go, I really have to enjoy these little moments where I can scrawl out a few words!
Our friends and family are so incredibly generous and Brandon is one lucky and loved little man. We are starting to get in to more of a groove, and it has also been amazing to see some old friends in the last week. I don't think I have done this much visiting in years. I am almost gleeful to have some quiet moments today. An old friend stopped by for a visit today and it was awesome. I haven't seen her in person for a while, and it was just great to kick back and relax, and just talk. When you have known someone for more years than you can count, it is eye opening to see yourselves as adults with real jobs, and families, and now with babies too. Time marches on.
I am also eternally grateful to Gilly for painting my toes last night. Oddly enough, I love having summer toes and it is nice to look down (now that I have reaquainted myself with my feet) and see some pink again! Tonight we are so going to lay low and have some family time. It feels like the past two weeks have been wonderful but controlled chaos, and it will be nice to just be together, and perhaps have a dinner that doesn't get interrupted prior to us beginning to even eat our dinner. Funny how everything shifts on a dime.
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