Breaking with tradition, we headed to Manning Park to celebrate Dad's day on Sunday. I forget just how close it is to get there, a mere two hours away from our place. When you arrive, you can't help but feel like you couldn't be farther away from the concrete jungle. Could have something to do with the fact that the space between Chilliwack and Hope seems to stretch on forever... especially when the fields are ripe around Clearbrook... if you know what I am saying
Staggering the effects of the nefarious pine beetle. The swaths of burnt umber pines that are just about ready to fall over in sharp contrast to the few healthy green ones near the lake. It was shocking to pull in to Lightning Lake and to see how many trees that they have taken out along the side of the lake where one can picnic. It was a little disconcerting, and it took a while to adjust too. Of course, the magic of the place seeps in pretty quick, as the grey jays discover that you have brought trail mix and seed, and the badgers/ground squirrels/marmots (whatever their technical name is) start popping up from the holes to beg for food.
What an enchanting place. We spent hours playing cards, going for a walk around the lake, eating, talking, and feeding the local wildlife. Ken and I even saw a deer on our walk around the lake. I must say, I am terrible about "short cuts". My just around the corners are never that. But life is about the journey, and it is hard to have regrets when an extra 30 minutes keeps you out in the wild a little longer, a few stolen kisses, and enjoying each other's company before you hook up with the folks again.
I love the fact that the lakes are called Lightning, Flash, and Thunder. Makes you wonder what kinds of crazy storms blow through here! Would be a fabulous place to take your canoe out for a paddle! Perhaps once bubs is a little older?
1 comment:
I lurve Manning Park. Haven't been in years, tho....it's out of the way when we come south. Someday soon - it's on the list of BC places I need to show D!
Pine beetle = devil's spawn. 'nuf said.
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