Monday, February 6, 2006

Alex, can I buy 2 more hours a day?

Monday? Again?

And what is thou burning ball of light in the sky? The previous post became oddly prophetic as the rains started, pushed on by ferocious winds, including a power outage! (first in many years) Until things started looking up yesterday. There are branches scattered about the backyard, but everything looks freshly washed, because it was by the driving rain.

The big game yesterday was frustrating as hell. It reminded me of the Vancouver Canucks in the 1994 playoff run, losing to NY Rangers in game 7. In that game, the Canucks could not buy a break, and I am sure that Hasselback and the 'Hawks felt the same yesterday. Not that their kicker did them much good... *SIGH* it was a frustrating game, a moment of elation quickly followed by an interception or a bad ref'ing call.

I have recently learned that I have a "converger" learning style, and apparently there are other people out there like me who like to make lists, be somewhat organized and practical, but then like to through it all away to ponder the big concepts. Interesting stuff.

Feels like I am doing a helluva dance some days - completing an online course, wedding plans, thinking baby and changes, work issues, talking to friends and making plans, sqeauking in some quality time with my honey, and trying to cram in some selfish stuff in there. Sounds like the lists are going to be a lifesaver, and that this will give me good practise for later. I am also learning that I need to be pretty clear about what I want, and how I want things to happen on the big day. It isn't enough to have the big details sorted out, you have to know the minor stuff too, floor plans, and general organization, and how the hell you are going to pay for it all!!!!


Cher said...

You have to have a calendar- I have no lists, but if it is not on the calendar it does not get attended/done. Get one with big spaces!!

Refinnej said...

Being a list girl myself, I can relate. Calendars just don't give me the same push as a list. Of course, many of my lists get revised/rewritten/tossed at various times. ;-) Wait, I do have a reminder calendar in my email at work. It's saved my ass several times, and I'm counting on it to remind me about Father's Day this year - I completely forgot last year, and dad has yet to let me off for it.