Last night I turned the last page in SE Hinton's stab at adult lit, "Hawkes Harbour". Freaking bizarre novel I must say. The front cover boasts that the book will tromp through "vampires, pirates, and lusty french socialites". I am not saying that I hated this book by any stretch, it was a weird book, and a fast read. In a sense it could be described as character driven, but it was not nearly as compelling as her first book, which in many ways is a rite of passage for kids to read (The Outsiders) as they come of age. This book left me feeling bereft, I have been half looking forward to this latest attempt since I first saw the book on the stands, but it didn't measure up to my own preconcieved notions. Between looting stories, and drunken episodes, and shifting timescapes, mental disorders and dependence, and a cured vampire, it is a strange way to pass a few hours.
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