Alrighty then - Refinnej "tagged" me to do this... Ten Years Ago: I was just getting back home from a month in the UK. I had done a walking tour from London to Canterbury, yes, just like the Canterbury Tales as the proper English Lit major I was in my past life. After the 10 day walking tour I backpacked through to Edinburgh and then wove my way back across the countryside with a few stops back to London to do a Contiki tour of Southern Ireland. It was an amazing trip and that was where I met Kelz, whom I couldn't imagine my patchwork quilt of family not containing. I was really broke when I got home, I found out some bad health news about a dear friend, and I was close to a crossroads in what I would eventually do with my education. I was still living with my folks, albeit in Pitt Meadows and putting on way too many kms on my vw rabbit.
Five Years Ago: I moved out of my 'rents place that summer and graduated from SFU. I had just found my two cats, Ripley and Murphy. I was attending a Women's Conference in Vancouver and learning some new tools for dealing with stress and a I bought a long black skirt on one of my lunch hours. Little did I know that I would need that skirt for a funeral, not a week later :< This was a tumultous year, a lot of changes, and a lot of good byes for people who passed away. I was still single, still playing hockey, and was trying out dragon boating for the first time. I think this was a real turning point in my life, and it was crazy and chaotic, but I think the experiences of this year really helped shape who I am today.
One Year Ago: Ken and I were just getting back from an Alaskan cruise, the last of our big trips for 2004. We had also travelled to Yellowstone and back, which was a trip that blew my mind. I was marking for a student success course, and had taken a few courses at SFU to catch up my GPA over the summer, and was currently taking a creative writing course, which ended up being really vexing and not worth the pain. Our coed hockey team was getting off to a good start, and Ken's men's team was keeping up their tailgating traditions.
Yesterday: back to work after our road trip to Alberta, and then Monday Night Football at the John B pub. The game was lame, so we made it home at a decent hour and watched Las Vegas and then Prison Break (which is a surprisingly good show!). Farted around on the 'puter, and started to put things back where they belong. I think the laundry monster will be tackled today since I have pretty much exhausted my underwear supply.
Five Songs I Know All The Words To:There would be a short debate here on whether or not I actually know all the words to any song without making up the words to it along the way to suit my needs (not my strong suit)
The Gambler - Kenny Rogers
Brian Wilson - The Barenaked Ladies
Blister in the Sun - Violent Femmes
You Gotta Fight for Your Right - The Beasties
Smoking in the Boys Room - Motley Crew (so I was a big fan in the late 80's)
Convoy - CW McCall
Five Snackspopcorn
island farms vanilla plus low fat yogurt
veggies and dip
hot wings
Five things I'd do with 100 million dollarspay off all of our debts and share the wealth with family/friends
buy waterfront somewhere and create our dream home with accoutrements and dog run
have a library and work on literacy
travel and get both of us fully certified for scuba diving
put money in to an environmental cause, like salmon
Five places I'd run away to:
South Pacific: Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, and French Polynesia
African Safari
Five things I would never wearblock heels
itsy bitsy bikini
super low rise jeans that flash the crack of my butt
super miniskirt that looks like a belt
those shrugs that are popular now... bizarre
Five Favourite TV ShowsAmazing Race
Prison Break
Hockey Night in Canada with announcers
Las Vegas
MASH reruns
Five greatest joysBeing in love
My cats
Family and friends
Our home and results of gardening
Five favourite toysFuji Finepix
Tribble from Vulcan
Hockey Gear
Current ReadsTrace - Particia Cornwall
Something by Lisa Gardner
(cross fingers) will get copy of last book in Outlander Series (Diana Gabaldon)
(cross fingers) pick up used copy of one of Reich's latest when I am in Victoria next week
Policy Manuels
Other folks I am tagging to do thisKelzGillyRegan