Friday, August 26, 2005


So, I am sitting at my desk, chilling. Waiting for my mom so we can get away camping.

I could have been off work 20 minutes ago, when she was supposed to arrive at 12:30. WTF. It is brutal how my mom is with time, and then denies that she is always late. It is so about priorities, and having respect for the people around you, that is unreal when you do this even when you know it makes everyone around you upset and then no one has fun until the funk has worked it's way through your system.

It really frosts me actually. I feel like the roles are reversed between Mum (aka older, more mature and wise) and Daughter (needing guidance and a push in the right direction). I know I will have to take a few deep breaths and try not to be sarcastic when I get in the car because that really gets things going when you are going to spend the next few hours together on the road.

But I don't get it about planning - you know that you have someone waiting for you, and you procrastinate until the 11th hour. Planning helps. I think through/from my most recent courses one of the valuable things that has been reinforced for me is the role of planning and being prepared and showing up on time, when things are happening, rather than rocking up after the big hurrahs have happened.. saves a lot of stress too, you would think.

Venting now has taken about 10 minutes. No mom. No, wait, could it be?

Da plane? Fasting than a speeding bullet... nope. My mum is pulling in to the lot. WOW! The shock may do me in!!!

Off I run!! Holidays officially start now and I don't have to grace my place of employment until September 6th. It could not have happened to a better person.

T G I F ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Refinnej said...

Nice "anonymous" commenters. The downside to the internet!!!


Anonymous said...

I get comment spammed all of the time! There should be some settings in blogger that you can add common words to...

as for the post, I have a few friends who are ALWAYS late and disorganized. I was waiting for one the other day, thinking about how it really shows a lack of respect for everyone around you! I bust my butt and work harder than many, but I don't feel that my time is soooo much more valuable that I can leave people waiting/hanging. I'm working at least 16 hours a day right now and I can manage to make it! Aaargh!! I feel your pain! BUt I will say that it is quite amazing how for a "so sorry I'm late" can go to diffuse my anger... I'm such a sucker!

sylvia said...

holy spamola!! you know, i think there's an option setting in blogger to have commenters pass a human test (type in the letters of a graphic, that a computer 'bot can't read). or at least, i think these comments are computer-generated.

anyhoo. wandered over here from kelz' blog - nice to see another blog convert :) love the title.

about punctuality... i have to admit i'm pretty laissez-faire myself, unless of course it's important (meeting, flight, the obvious things). and i'm fine with the same from others. and WHAT would i do without my celphone for telling people "bust a tire, house on fire, i'll be 15 minutes late!"

cheers, sylvia

Ozgypsy said...

Bejeebs! Where'd anonymous come from? I've never got spammed on my comments. Weird. Anyhoo.
You should know dear ole Winnie by now.. being your Mum and all. She runs on WT - 'Winnie Time'. So I would suggest you tell her to meet you 30-60 minutes before you actually want to get away.

Kazzy said...

Alright then - it felt pretty damn strange deleting the spam comments, but you know, although I believe in freedom of speech I have no problems curtailing it from a computer...

I think building in a cushion time with my mom is a good idea.. we don't carpool in the mornings anymore, we were enabling each other to be really late.. I go in with Ken now and get in about 20 mins earlier..