Weekends are never long enough.
The Red Tent was a phenomenal book. One of the best reads I have experienced in a long time, hands down. Wow. It blew my socks off. I finished late last night, and as I closed the cover of the book I was sad to say goodbye to my new friends. What a profoundly beautiful book about women, about women's relationships with other women, and celebrating the parts of being a woman that it seems like our western society has pushed under the rug. The stories that we each have to tell to our sisters, mothers, and daughters, not all of whom are blood related are rekindled when you pause to reflect upon this book, built upon the story of a whispered woman from the book of Genesis.
I now have a wee bamboo fountain in a pot outside, and a spontaneous purchase from IKEA adorning my living room. I must say, when Ken and I decide on something, we do it. After a false start saturday night, and lining up with a number to exchange defective product on Sunday morning, we are now the proud owners of a "pilbo" coffee table. Once I get off my arse I will post a piccie about this new living room adornment.
We had a great weekend, we spent time at Steveston wandering the docks and riverside stores, and watched Fantastic 4 (not a bad flick, for what it is), rented some flicks, had some great food, and did some major cleaning to the house. Slowly I am getting rid of clutter. I am beginning to buy in to the idea that not so much is more. You can spend so much time servicing your goods, that you have to wonder, how much is enough? I have been questioning my own commercialism and asking myself whether or not I really need that before I make a purchase. Trying to use what I have before I go get more, trying not to have stockpiles of things I bought just because it was a good price.
Yes. I needed that pilbo coffee table :P~~~~
Tenant is officially gone. Also a relief. Reclaiming house space 101 is taking place.
Work is boring as hell right now, the calm before the storm. I almost have too much time on my hands right now. Hell, I think I am almost caught up on my emails!
The weather we are having is intoxicating. I love waking up every day and seeing that the sun is shining. We are definitely getting dryer out there, hopefully offset by the rain we have had this year.
In the news....Peter Jennings passed on. It seems that an end of era is drawing to a close in world media. Dan Rather passed his torch, and now we mourn the loss of our Canadian kid on the block. Surfing the net, it is amazing to see the comments that seem to be flooding the net 'waves about Jennings and the impact he has had on people's lives, even from his visits to our living rooms over time,
Smokey Smith, Canadian World War II Hero also passed on, although it seems his remains have lain in state an awful long time.